Thursday, June 18, 2009
Well, its tat time of d year again when I get my exam results n once again I’m very pleased wit d outcome… I achieved a first average dis semester making my position a very strong one for doing well in the nex sem. KP module which was without a doubt d hardest exam I’ve ever taken…huhu…A bulat nw in my hand…but…Surprisingly my lowest mark (B+) came in my Dato’ module which I felt was one of d easiest exams n one of d ones I was most likely to excel in…huhuhu.. der may have been some complacency involved resulting in my lower than expected performance… My ‘cake’ result (A-) did confirm to me tat it is possible to do very well in dis module wit a minimum of work..dis was without a doubt my least revised-for module… Not quite sure why dis is, but I’m not complaining at d grade.On a more serious note these results mean tat I’m going into d nex sem on oklalala standing and tat I can also afford to oklalala relax…but today’s surely a very good day….